What is headache?
A headache is characterized by pain in any part of the head. It can occur on one or both sides and may range from a sharp, throbbing pain to a dull ache. The duration of a headache can vary, lasting anywhere from less than an hour to a few days. There are many types and causes of headaches. While most people experience headaches occasionally, some may have them more frequently. In some cases, a headache can signal a more serious health issue.
What are the potential causes of headaches?
Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
• Medical conditions like:
• Anxiety or depression
• Hormonal changes (e.g., during menstruation or pregnancy)
• Infections or other illnesses
• Dental or jaw issues
• Back and neck problems
• Allergies or medication use
• Dietary factors such as:
• Caffeine withdrawal
• Certain foods or additives
• Eating very cold foods
• Drinking alcohol
• Skipping meals or hydration
• Lifestyle habits like:
• Smoking
• Inadequate or excessive sleep
• Poor posture
• Stress or tension
• Eye strain
• Environmental triggers including:
• Bright or flickering lights
• Loud noises
• Strong smells or fumes
• Changes in weather, air pressure, or altitude
What are the symptoms of a headache?
The symptoms depend on the type of headache:
• Tension-type headache:
• The most common type, characterized by constant pain (not throbbing)
• Typically felt on both sides of the head
• May feel like tightness or pressure around the head and neck
• Can last from 30 minutes to several days
• Migraine:
• Often a throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head
• Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and heightened sensitivity to light, noise, or smells
• Can last from 4 to 72 hours
• Sinus headache:
• Pain and tenderness around the eyes, cheeks, or forehead
• Usually felt on one side of the face
• Often worsens when bending forward or lying down
• Medication overuse headache:
• Caused by frequent use of painkillers for headaches or migraines
• Occurs more than 15 days per month if pain relievers are taken over 10 days per month for more than 3 months
• Cluster headache:
• Intense, one-sided pain around or behind the eye
• Pain begins quickly, often within minutes
• May be accompanied by nasal congestion, redness, tearing, or swelling of the eye
• Triggered by smoking and alcohol use (though the exact cause is unknown)
How can I treat headaches?
Headaches can be treated using over-the-counter (OTC) medications such as:
• Paracetamol, Paracetamol with Codeine, or Paracetamol with Codeine and Caffeine
• NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or Diclofenac
Beacons Health provides some examples of such OTC medications which can be found from the link provided
When should I see a doctor?
While most headaches can be managed without a doctor’s consultation, you should seek medical help if:
• Your headache worsens or doesn’t improve after 2 weeks
• You experience any of the following:
• A “thunderclap” headache or the worst headache of your life
• Headaches not relieved by non-prescription pain relievers
• Headaches occurring more than 15 days a month
• Pain relievers needed for more than 10 days per month over a 3-month period
• Headaches following exercise, sex, straining, or coughing
• New or sudden headaches, especially if you’re using birth control or hormone replacement therapy
• Headaches after a head injury
• Headaches accompanied by a stiff neck, confusion, numbness, weakness, vision changes, or difficulty speaking
• Other symptoms like rashes, seizures, or numbness on one side of the body
How can I manage headaches?
In addition to medication, managing headaches can involve:
• Keeping a headache diary to track patterns, triggers, and treatments
• Making lifestyle adjustments such as:
• Improving sleep habits
• Getting enough rest
• Regular exercise
• Eating a healthy diet
• Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing
• Resting in a quiet, dark room
• Applying a cool cloth to your head
What are some tips to prevent headaches?
To reduce the frequency of headaches, consider the following tips:
• Avoid known headache triggers
• Manage stress and delegate tasks to reduce strain
• Exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes most days of the week
• Ensure you get enough sleep
• Eat regular, balanced meals
• Drink plenty of water daily
• Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
• Avoid smoking
• Wear sunglasses to reduce glare
• Practice good posture and stretch your neck and shoulders while reading or using a computer. Take regular breaks if working in one position for extended periods.
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